Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Why I love: F-Zero (SNES)


This could be the first of a regular feature on my blog. Today, I'm going to tell you why I love the original F-Zero for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (or SNES for short).

F-Zero was released on November 21, 1990 in Japan, August 23, 1991 in North America, and June 4, 1992 in Europe. It was the game that set a standard by created the sub-genre of futuristic racing. If it wasn't for this game, we might not have Sony's equivalent of F-Zero, the Wipeout series.

This game was also one of the many SNES games that used the Mode 7 graphics, which gave F-Zero a pseudo-3D effect. This was pretty incredible for the SNES. I've no idea what the game would've looked like without Mode 7.

What I really love about F-Zero is how playable the game still is after all these years. I also love the fact that the speed is still amazing today aswell.

You can get the game today, via the Wii's Virtual Console service for 800 points. I downloaded it and never regretted doing so. I'm sure you won't regret it either.

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